Saturday, November 07, 2015

The D'ugo Duster Jacket (or the Water Fall Jacket)

The D'ugo Duster Jacket

KnonyeKouture debuts it's fabulous Ankara Duster Jacket; D'ugo (Short for Adaugo) paired with the lovely double zipper slit mini skirt.

Duster Jackets are trendy, stylish, sophisticated and easy to wear to all occasions types; work, Church, picnics, gardens, etc

Duster Jackets come in various designs and styles; sleeveless types, Elbow-length sleeves, you name it. The flare can either start from the neckline or the front lapel.

See below pictures of sample ready to wear Duster jackets.

Chdinma Kedike rocking a Duster Jacket

Hounds-tooth print  Duster Jacket

Variety of Jackets

The D'ugo Duster Jacket was made with the famous brick  (aka block) Holandis fabric from way back.

Far right - Brick or Block Ankara Fabric

Check out KnonyeKouture's D'ugo Duster Jacket below:

The jacket can be paired with a tankie, shorts or jeans or a skirt, sneakers or pointees or sandals and a wide hat. 

I paired mine with a double front zipper slit skirt with a similar fabric.

 To place an order, send an email with an attachment of your order to:

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